Random thoughts... snippets of life in rural New England
HC1240's Articles » Page 3
December 12, 2005 by HC1240
The maturity level here sometimes astounds me. You know what, though? That's ok... because I'm not nearly as sensitive as some here at JU can be. I just have to sit back and laugh. Comments can be deleted. People can silence your voice. You can only hope that perhaps a grain of the truth you were trying to share gets through. Intentions make no difference. It doesn't matter that you are being truthful, that you're sharing your heart, or your opinions, or that you may actually be concer...
December 12, 2005 by HC1240
Merry Christmas anyway! I'm not partial to the peace sign (which is NOT to say that I'm not partial to peace), but I love the rest... Enjoy the show!
December 9, 2005 by HC1240
Driving to my friend's yarn shop the other day, I was having a conversation with my son (age 5) about his bathtime. He decided that he wanted to take a shower, but with only water -- no soap. I explained that he HAS to use soap, because it's the soap that gets him clean. We moved on to some other equally interesting topic and I didn't think another thing about it. We got to my friend's shop and visited for a while, and then Noah excused himself to use the restroom. He was in there much lon...
November 14, 2005 by HC1240
I'm trying to figure out how to compress a wma file so that it doesn't take 15 minutes to download. I have one uploaded Link , but it's so big! Is there an easy way to compress the file? I've seen clips of similar length be close to 5mg... but mine is like 36! Any help y'all can offer will be greatly appreciated!
November 8, 2005 by HC1240
Thanks to Ted for the spark that ignited this contemplation... Link I've come to despise the effect communication technology has on my life. Do I own a cell phone? Yes. I have one. Hubby has one. Teenaged daughter has one (and is not allowed to drive the car without having it charged and on her person). It has come in handy when I am out and have forgotten what I needed to pick up at the grocer's... and when I'm sitting on the side of the road because my car battery died. I re...
November 8, 2005 by HC1240
My washing machine broke down last week. It's a relatively new machine, so I doubt that it's anything major... but after doing a week's worth of clothes at the laundromat yesterday (a family of five - not fun), I decided that I didn't want to wait for the repair guy. I figured I'd see if I could handle this myself. I searched the internet to see if I could get a handle on what exactly is wrong with it. General scouting told me that since it's not spinning, the most likely culprit is the m...
October 22, 2005 by HC1240
Quaker Smart Bar - 2.5 1.5 cups peas - 1.2 2/3 cup instant mashed potatoes - 1.4 8 oz glass of V8 juice - 0 2 tacos - ground beef, lettuce, onions, tomato, 1/4C reduced fat mexican cheese - 12.4 2 tbsp fat free sour cream - .5 Ritz cracker 100 Calorie snack pack - 2.1 Naval Orange - 0 64 oz Water Total Points - 20.7
October 18, 2005 by HC1240
*quits singing* I might be missing it, but I was looking for links to personal webpages. Do you all have personal pages? Famiy sites? Mine is below... but be warned, it desperately needs to be updated. I thought it would be fun to get to know you all a little better by exploring your personal "homes" on the web. So how about it? Anyone have a personal website to share?
October 18, 2005 by HC1240
I absolutely LOVE living in New England. I don't care for the harshness of the winters here, or the blazing heat and humidity of summer... but Autumn is that wonderful in-between time that makes it all worthwhile. We don't really have Spring here, we just have "mud season." New England is in its glory in the Fall, though. When I was younger, this was my favorite season because it was a time for gathering with family that I didn't see often at other times of the year. Over the years, it has...
October 12, 2005 by HC1240
After hearing you talk about missing the changing of seasons, I wanted to share New England Autumn with you, so hubby and I took a drive Monday and I captured these with you in mind. Enjoy! Happy Harvest!
October 9, 2005 by HC1240
I'm sitting here chuckling. After responding to an article earlier this evening, I just now returned to the article to find my reply gone, and left with no option to add a comment. I didn' t get some message saying I'd been blacklisted, but could someone explain to me if that's what happened? I find this very interesting. My post was not offensive, did not demean anyone (or even speak to anyone in particular), or do anything else that I can think of that would cause someone to disable my v...
September 30, 2005 by HC1240
I'm getting in the spirit of autumn. My family doesn't celebrate Halloween, but other than that, we get as excited as the next person about the changing of the seasons. I love the crispness to the air, the color of the leaves, the scent of woodsmoke drifting on the gentle breeze... and the cold nights - perfect for sleeping! I think I'll take another entry for quotes that I love about autumn... but for now, I'll leave you with this picture... Harvest Moon....
September 30, 2005 by HC1240
I'm getting in the spirit of autumn. My family doesn't celebrate Halloween, but other than that, we get as excited as the next person about the changing of the seasons. I love the crispness to the air, the color of the leaves, the scent of woodsmoke drifting on the gentle breeze... and the cold nights - perfect for sleeping! I think I'll take another entry for quotes that I love about autumn... but for now, I'll leave you with this picture... Harvest Moon....
September 20, 2005 by HC1240
Biologically, any man can be a father, but it takes a man of strong character with an abundance of love to be a Dad. I am blessed to have such a man as an integral part of my life. My father, and all that he is, has contributed in large part to the person I am today—and I will be eternally grateful. My father gave twenty-five years of his life to teaching at the school district in my town. His being a teacher at the school I attended meant that he was always nearby, and always knew...
September 13, 2005 by HC1240
It saddens me how the politics began even before the people of the Gulf Coast were rescued. It saddens me that no one seems willing to take responsibility but would rather pass the buck. It saddens me more hand are busy pointing, than helping - at least this is how it seems to me. But every so often, there is something -- a gesture, a word, an act of compassion -- that reminds me that there ARE people who care... that the heart of God is at work among souls here on earth. There are people w...