Random thoughts... snippets of life in rural New England
HC1240's Articles In Writing
January 31, 2006 by HC1240
Kezia squinted against the brilliant sunlight pouring through the window. She closed her eyes and arched her back in a stretch to work the kinks out of her overworked body. All was quiet in the brothel, but that was typical for this early hour. A long night of drinking and carousing meant lazy mornings for the inhabitants of Achmed’s. She smiled as she reached for her newborn son. He was evidence of her illicit lifestyle, and at first the thought of pregnancy had brought shame an...
August 26, 2005 by HC1240
Raising Cain Abel drew in a deep breath as the scent of the fatted lamb rose in the air. He reflected on how gracious the Lord had been to his family. After his parents’ disobedience, the Lord could have struck them dead on the spot, but He hadn’t done that. Instead He had brought them here, to this new land, and provided for their needs. Abel had heard stories about the magnificent Garden from his parents, but he was happy just to live here. The mountains painted a backdrop that was ...