Random thoughts... snippets of life in rural New England
Published on August 23, 2005 By HC1240 In Misc
A new report from the Center for Consumer Freedom details the specifics of how PETA is targeting America's religious faithful. They see the religious right as an obstacle to be removed... or brainwashed.

"Considering the level of religious interest in the United States, it seems unlikely that we'll achieve animal liberation without mobilizing, especially, Jewish and Christian progressives, and perhaps also many of the conservatives." (PETA vegetarian campaign director Bruce Friedrich in "Does God Support Factory Farms" Link)

In an attempt to do just this, PETA has resorted to everything from claiming Jesus was a vegetarian (a fact soundly contradicted by Scripture) to protesting houses of worship. They even paraded a statue of a cow dressed as the Pope in front of Roman Catholic churches. It's not limited to their efforts in the US, either.

This "protest" was staged in front of Berlin's Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Cathedral.

Now I ask those among you who consider yourselves to be religous in any sense of the word, does any of this prompt you to support their cause? This blatant "in your face" propaganda doesn't just turn me off, it makes me even more hostile to them and the garbage they spew.

I agree with Dr. Howard Baston, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Amarillo, TX, when he says, "To use Jesus for political purposes is irreverant and unnecessary. It calls into question the truth of what else they might say." Their disgusting stunts and tactics render anything else they have to offer completely unworthy of a hearing.

I don't see how they imagine they will win over the support of religious conservatives with their taunts and ridicule of the things we consider to be holy. Is it all just for the sake of publicity? If so, how does that mesh with their stated desire to "mobilize" Jews and Christians? Or is it effective because they are winning over "progressives"? Do they think progressives don't care if they desecrate the Bible, or Christ's sacrifice, or any of the other things they stomp all over in their march to free the livestock? Give me a break.

on Aug 23, 2005
And another group secures their place in Hell.

Honestly though, I can't think of any religious group will follow that rederick. I wonder if their membership will fall because of it also.
on Aug 23, 2005
I wonder if their membership will fall because of it also.

One can only hope.
on Aug 23, 2005

After their equating Blacks to Cows, I am not surprised.  Offended?  Yes.  But not surprised.  I still dont see how anyone, unless their trolley has left the tracks can defend these advertisements.  Even if one supports PETA, then, as you correctly point out, their tactics are not converting anyone, just alienating potential Allies!

That Hardees big Burger sure tasted good for lunch! I think I will have KFC for dinner.

on Aug 23, 2005
I'm wondering why the pig on the cross is wearing a mask. ;~D
on Aug 23, 2005
I still dont see how anyone, unless their trolley has left the tracks can defend these advertisements.

Neither do I. Sick.