Random thoughts... snippets of life in rural New England
Looking for suggestions
Published on August 20, 2005 By HC1240 In Home & Family
I'm leaving this under "Home and Family", for lack of a better forum.

A friend came over for dinner the other night and brought zucchini from his garden. Apparently he forgot about them and they grew to HUGE proportions. My plan is to halve them, scoop out the insides (not all, but some), and then stuff it with something. Anyone have suggestions for what I could put inside?

I'm thinking some diced tomatoes, chopped onions and ground beef, but I'm an "all but the kitchen sink" kinda girl. What do you suggest? Parmesan cheese? Feta? Was hoping to not have to go out, but I don't have any rice and I'm guessing that should be a staple of this creation.

What would you put in it?

on Aug 20, 2005

Before I read your second paragraph, I was thinking Ground beef, tomatoes and rice.  Kind of like Stuffed Bell peppers.  I love Zucchini, but yea, it gets old by the end of summer!

Zucchini Caserole! Rules!  And Au gratin Rocks!

on Aug 20, 2005
A lady I work with makes, believe it or not, a zucchni cake! And it is delicious! I'll have to get the recipe...
on Aug 20, 2005

A lady I work with makes, believe it or not, a zucchni cake! And it is delicious! I'll have to get the recipe...

It is.  Kind of like Carrot cake.  But only good for a zucchini or 2. Not a garden full!  up north of you, this time of yeaR, you lock your cars so no one puts Zucchinis in them!

Been there done that!

on Aug 20, 2005
I hope your friend isn't a Trojan.

As we "speak", I'm cooking down some huge monsters that we found in our back yard. We try to pick them at the baby stage but some still manage to avoid detection until it's too late. My mother, who's northern Italian taught me to shred them, and cook them with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper combining with grated cheese to taste. The result is a yummy paste.
on Aug 20, 2005
I ended up stuffing them with the following..

ground beef
chopped onions
diced tomatoes
bread crumbs
garam marsala

I melted cheese over the top of the whole thing. Wish I'd precooked the zucchini first. Didn't think of it. It was crunchy. Not bad... but not great. Would have been better cooked more.

Thanks for the suggestions... I'm guessing we'll see more zucchini before the end of the season...
on Aug 21, 2005

Reply By: Dr. Donald

That is an excellent idea!  A friend cooked it for me that way once!

on Aug 21, 2005
Grins--I guess you missed this part...Cook whole, unpeeled large zucchini in boiling water until tender (about 10 minutes).

... I had it in the oven before I saw the reply. Next time Thanks!