Random thoughts... snippets of life in rural New England
Here it is... :)
Published on August 14, 2005 By HC1240 In Welcome
In raggin' on Dave for not posting a blog in - oh, a couple of weeks - I found myself faced with the inevitable retort: "Why don't YOU start a blog?"

Soooooooo... here it is.

Life in rural New England this weekend has been... relaxing. A trip to the coast with my family Saturday. Water was warm... waves were great... family QT was AWESOME. Can always use more of that.

Great worship service today. Challenging message on compromise. When is it ok, and when is it not? How do you function IN the world, without being OF the world? How do you safeguard against compromising your beliefs, value systems, the Word of God? Excellent message.

Came home and studied with dd for an hour. LOVE that! It's a blessing to be able to share your faith with your children, but even more of one to see them make it their own and offer insights that God has given them.

Talked with a friend vacationing... and spent a few minutes getting harrassed by Dave. Gonna miss that. How long til Thanksgiving break? LOL

It's been a simple afternoon... I think simplicity is highly under-rated.

on Aug 15, 2005
Hey Hey Hey...

from your vacationing friend......wow....your own blog? Now the pressure will be on for me to be a blogger huh? We'll see about that! But in the meantime I'll enjoy perusing your new site here. I've a funny feeling you and the Dave are going to be going to be having a few blog wars.....stay tuned out there...this ought to be interesting.......
on Aug 15, 2005
the d-hizzle is watching...
on Aug 15, 2005
the d-hizzle is watching...

Ok... what the heck is d-hizzle, anyway? You're a nut.

from your vacationing friend......

Having fun yet?? How's the research on the Crusades coming?

Now the pressure will be on for me to be a blogger huh?

Well... yeah!