Random thoughts... snippets of life in rural New England
Life Outside of JU
Published on September 14, 2007 By HC1240 In Blogging
As I swipe cobwebs out of the way, I can't even remember the last time I posted here. It's been THAT long. I don't even remember what caused me to stop.

Offended by someone? Nah. I've got pretty thick skin. I don't offend.. I mean GET offended easily.

No time? I wasn't working full-time when I last posted, so that probably wasn't it.

Run out of things to say? Doubtful. No one's ever accused me of being the quiet type.

I'm not sure what it was. I think maybe real life just got in the way. Whatever caused my departure, I can honestly say I didn't really miss JU. I missed some of the bloggers, for sure, but as far as participating in the never ending political debates and getting caught up in the drama of this sector of the blogosphere (who's been banned? who's upset? who's flaming who?)... I have to say, I didn't miss it.

For a while I returned not to post on my own blog, but to read what was going on in all of your lives. But those visits became less and less frequent, and the more time that passed in between, the less pressing my desire to participate became. Isn't that the way it goes?

I suppose maybe it just wasn't a good fit. While I did enjoy some of the new friendships that were cultivated by my joining JU, if you know anything about me, you know I don't have a lot in common with most of the bloggers here. I'm a right wing Christian wife and mother of three who is passionate about her faith, and her Savior. I'm pretty opinionated, but I'm not into forcing my opinions down other's throats (doesn't that cause gagging?), so I don't get off on the verbal sparring that seems to characterize JU. Frankly, for me it causes more anxiety than it's worth.

Recently I've made a return to blogging. It's different for me now, though. I've found a community that I have more in common with. The things I think about and post aren't meant to create controversy, but meant to encourage others who, like me, are just trying to live out their faith one day at a time, practically. My goal for this year was to become more authentic. I wanted to be more real in my relationships, both with others and with my God. And so upon my return to blogging, I've chosen to find an outlet that helps me to move toward that goal.

I am grateful to JU for introducing me to the world of blogging; I'm thankful for the friends I met along the way. Feel free to email if you'd like to keep in touch or find your way to my new "space". I pray God fills your lives with good things, His grace and mercy being at the top of the list.

Be good to each other.

on Sep 14, 2007
Oh well, thanks for stopping by and the link to your new digs. JU can always use Christians who don't shove their beliefs down people's throats. But anything Christian will always be controversial here - there are plenty of non-believers, and they want to discredit the believers any way they can. I'm glad you found a place where you don't have that.
on Sep 14, 2007

I was wondering where you'd gone and how you were! 

Glad to see you found a good fit for yourself,  my older sis did that too. 

It's true,  the longer one stays away,  the easier it is to not miss it,  my sis had said something along those lines once,  in reference to people in her life,  if she didn't hear from them,  it became easier to not even think about them or remember them...sort of like closing a door I gather.

This site would do well to have more like you,  those that love their Savior,  and have positive happy outlooks,  take care and be well

on Sep 15, 2007
Thank you both for the kind words and well wishes. Please feel free to drop by my new space anytime.
on Sep 15, 2007
I missed you and your posts.  Keep stopping by on occassion.
on Sep 15, 2007
I've missed you too, Doc... Thanks.
on Sep 17, 2007
I was trying to stop by before....

Nice to see ya, even temporarily. Take care of you and I'll be sure to stop by and say hi!